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Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics

MED 276: Grant Writing Practicum

Instructor: Amy Sitapati
Quarter: Spring 2026 (Offered alternate years)
Units: 2

Course Objectives:

  • Explain the grant proposal process and how grants are reviewed
  • Provide practical experience in grant proposal writing and response to critiques
  • Emphasize the importance of team work and persistence in grant writing

This is a hands-on course. Students will review funded and non-funded grant proposals for different types of NIH awards, with an emphasis on K (mentored) and R (non-mentored) research awards. Students will have an opportunity to have their own proposals reviewed by instructors and classmates. The instructor will prepare a research proposal with help from the students. 

Course Syllabus: For the course syllabus, please refer to the OneDrive File for the course.  If you are not able to access the OneDrive, please contact Maria Triplett at


  • Class participation and attendance    25%
  • Homework                                               25%
  • Student presentations                           25%

Attendance:  Students are expected to attend all classes and have attendance recorded on that week's sign-in sheet. Students are allowed two unexcused absences, with further absences requiring justification.

Academic Integrity Statement:   According to the Yale Center for Teaching and Learning: 

"Plagiarism is the use of another's work, words, or ideas without attribution...Plagiarism takes many forms, but it falls into three main categories: using a source's language without quoting, using information from a source without attribution, and paraphrasing a source in a form that stays too close to the original."

Understanding and avoiding plagiarism