Current Research
Research Topics
Research topics are listed according to their main areas. Most projects span more than one area.
- Cancer Mutational Profiling
- Molecular Profiling of Archived Pre-Malignant Lesions
- Genome-wide DNA Adduct Profiling
- Cancer Clinical and Genetic Data Stewardship
biomedical and healthCAre Data Discovery Index Ecosystem
Comparative Effectiveness and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
- Standards in the Use of Collaborative Data Networks or Distributed Data Networks in Patient Centered Outcomes Research (PCORI)
- pSCANNER - Patient-Centered Scalable National Network for Effectiveness Research (PCORI)
Clinical Informatics
- Post-Handoff Reports of Outcomes 2 (PHAROS2) (Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation)
Infrastructure & Health Information Exchange
- CTSA Accrual to Clinical Trials (NIH)
- University of California Research eXchange UC-ReX (UCOP)
- Clinical Data Warehouse for Quality Improvement and Research (UCSD Medical Center)
- Informatics Resource of the CTSA (NIH)
Precision Medicine
Technology to Enhance Patient Privacy
- Preserving Privacy in Medical & Data Sets (NIH)
- Informed CONsent for Clinical data and biosample Use in Research iCONCUR (NIH)
- Decentralized differentially private methods for dynamic data release and analysis (NIH)
- Strong Heart (NHLBI)
- BECKON: block estimate chain: creating knowledge on demand & protecting privacy (NHGRI)