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Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics
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Past Biomedical Informatics Events

Awards and Conferences



  •  07/31/23 - AIVIS: Next Generation Vigilant Information Seeking Artificial Intelligence-based Clinical Support for Sepsis. 
  • 05/01/22 - Enhanced Metadata Design, Architecture, and Learning (MeDAL) for Development of Generalizable Deep Learning-based Predictive Analyics from Electronic Health Records. 
  • 03/30/23 - NIH Reporter: Lucila Ohno-Machado highest NIH awardee at UCSD and 3rd of all UCs. 
  • 02/15/22 - VentNet: A Real-Time Multimodal Data Integration Model for Prediction of Respiratory Failure in Patients with COVID-19. 
  • 09/01/21 - Center for Admixture Science and Technological Populations (CAST).
  • 08/01/21 - GeneRAlizable Sepsis Phenotyping (GRASP) using Electronic Health Records and Continuous Monitoring Sensors.  
  • 12/01/20 - RAD-Rad Discoveries & Data: Consortium Coodination Center Program Organization (RADx-rad DCC). 
  • 04/04/20 - Rapid Response Data Discovery (R2D2) for COVID-19 Clinical Consultations. 
  • 10/01/19 - The Marylend Electronic Vital Records Registration System (MDEVRRS). 
  • 04/01/18 - NIH All of Us Research Program
  • 05/01/18 - BECKON - Block Estimate Chain: creating Knowledge ON demand & protecting privacy. 
  • 12/01/17 - Protecting Privacy and Facilitating Shared Access of Clinical and Genetic Data of Special Populations (STRONG HEART).
  • 01/01/17 - Decentralized Differentially-Private Methods for Dynamic Data Release and Analysis (DECENTRALIZED).
  • 06/01/15 - Biomedical and Healthcare Data Discovery Index Ecosystem (bioCADDIE). 
  • 01/01/15 - Informed Consent for Clinical Data and Biosample Use in Research (iCONCUR). 
  • 09/01/14 - Protecting the Privacy of Genomes in Research Studies (PROGRESS).
  • 09/01/14 - Project Privacy of Healthcare Data in the Cloud.
  • 04/01/14 - patient-centered Scalable National Network for Effectiveness Research (pSCANNER).
  • 10/01/13 - Linked grants to iDASH funded by NHGRI and NIBIB.
  • 09/01/13 - DBMI awarded UH3 Phase of NHLBI pFINDR program. 
  • 09/01/12 - Protection of Records: Privacy (PReP) Technology for Medical Research
  • 08/01/12 - DBMI awarded competitive ethics supplement and cloud supplement to U54 iDASH center. 
  • 07/01/12 - San Diego Biomedical informatics Education and Research NLM training grant is awarded for the first time to UCSD.
  • 09/01/12 - UC Research eXchange grand from the UC Office of the President is awarded to all five UC medical centers. UCSD heads the steering committee in the inaugural year of this 5 year project to connect clinical data warehouses. 
  • 07/01/11 - DBMI awarded grant from the NHLBI pFINDR program: Phenotype Finder IN Data Resources: A Tool to Support Cross-study Data Discovery Among NHLBI Genomic Studies.
  • 01/01/11 - University of California Research Exchange (UC REX). 
  • 10/22/10 - DBMI awarded NCBC and AHRQ Distributed Research Network grants
  • 09/30/10 - DBMI will lead informatics development in Medical Education Partnership Initiative in Mozambique
  • 09/30/10 - DBMI receives grant for Sustainable Health Informatics and Networking Environment (SHINE)
  • 09/20/10 - Integrating Data for Analysis, Anonymization and SHaring (iDASH)
  • 10/15/09 - Global Health Informatics Training Grant Awarded


Events and News

03/11/2024 - Jennifer P. Nguyen Dissertation: UCSD Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Graduate Program PhD. Dissertation Defense Announcement, "Using multi-omic OTL analysis in fetal-like pancreatic progenitor cells to characterize diabetes-associated regulatory viriants during early development".

01/05/2024 - Comgratulations to Ming Tai-Seale, PhD, MPH, Michael Hogarth, MD and Crystal Wiley Cene, MD, MPH. UC San Diego Receives $5 Million to launch Center for Learning Health Systems Science. The center will provide training for clinicians and researchers in the science of optimizing health care delivery. UC San Diego Receives $5 Million to Launch Center for Learning Health Systems Science (

08/01/13 - Congratulations to Michael Conway, PhD, who is becoming Assistant Project Scientist at the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine. Michael was a postdoctoral fellow with DBMI from 2011-2013. He has authored several papers and has recently received a K99/R00 from the NLM/NIH focused on mining of social media for health conditions.

07/01/13 - Congratulations to Robert El-Kareh, MD, MS, MPH, who is starting his K22 award from the NLM/NIH focusing on diagnostic errors.

06/01/13 - Congratulations to Xiaoqian Jiang, PhD, who became Assistant Professor at DBMI July 1, 2013. Xiaoqian was a graduate intern while finishing his PhD under the supervision of Latanya Sweeney, PhD, at CMU, then a postdoctoral fellow with DBMI from 2011-2013. He has authored several papers and is starting the R00 phase of his K99/R00 award from the NLM/NIH focused on privacy technology.

04/01/13 - Master's graduate Myoung Lah launched a new UCSD-wide application before taking a position at Microsoft: TritonSchedule allows UCSD students to share their course schedule with their friends on Facebook.  We are studying how social networks and Facebook usage affect academic performance, health, and attitudes on privacy as part of the iDASH project.

09/22/12 - The BRIGHT program successfully organized the 2nd Biomedical Informatics Symposium in Maputo, Mozambique, August 20-22, 2012 with attendance of over 80 participants from 5 different countries.

07/01/12 - UCSD got awarded for the first time a biomedical informatics training grant from the NIH (National Library of Medicine). The grant started July 1, 2012 and will support a total of 15 trainees in UCSD degree programs. Click here for more Graduate Program Information.

03/29/12 - iDASH featured in White House Office for Science and Technology Policy announcement for BIG DATA initiative involving NSF, NIH, DoE, DoD, and other federal agencies. See video of this event online.

05/02/11 - iDASH NLP Ecosystem Workshop

01/24/11 - iDASH Workshop on Secondary Use of Clinical Images for Research at SDSC

08/01/10 - Global Health Informatics: UCSD, UEM, UNIFESP partner in training program

05/25/10 - JAMIA Editor-in-Chief appointed

04/09/10 - Bioinformatics and the SD economy

12/01/09 - AMIA Annual Symposium