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Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics

MED 262: Current Trends in Biomedical Informatics (Seminar)

Instructor: Jejo Koola, MD, MS
Quarter: Fall, Winter and Spring, Fridays, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Classes will be held remotely using Zoom or onsite (BRF-II 5A03), which will be announced weekly.
Units: 1
DBMI Ph.D. students are required to complete 6 quarters of MED262 in order to fulfill Ph.D. curriculum requirements.
Schedule of speakers and topics will be updated periodically.

Please use the menu at left to see information about weekly seminars offered in the past.

 Joan and Irwin Jacobs Chancellor’s Endowed ChairAssociate Professor of Medicine in Biomedical InformaticsChief Health AI Officer and Associate CMIO for Inpatient Care
Seminar Dates and Times






01/10/2025 Greg Appelbaum, PhD Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
​Head: Human Performance Optimization Lab (OptiLab)
Director of Research, UCSD Interventional Psychiatry Program

UC San Diego Health
Building a psychiatric clinical decision support system for Interventional Psychiatry
01/17/2025 Brian Clay, MD

Professor of Medicine, Associate Chief Medical Officer for Inpatient Care

UC San Diego Health Leveraging Informatics and the Electronic Medical Record to Support Hospital Patient Flow
01/31/2025 Mohammad Ghassemi, PhD Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Health Data Science Michigan State University Bridging the Gap: Enhancing LLM Performance in Low-Resource Languages with New Benchmarks, Fine-Tuning, and Cultural Adjustments
02/07/2025 Karandeep Singh, MD, MMSc Joan and Irwin Jacobs Chancellor’s Endowed Chair; Associate Professor of Medicine in Biomedical Informatics; Chief Health AI Officer and Associate CMIO for Inpatient Care UC San Diego Tidier.jl: Lessons from building a data analysis ecosystem in Julia
02/21/2025 Biren Kamdar, MD, MBA, MHS Associate Professor, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine UC San Diego Health Intensive Care after COVID: Challenges and Opportunities.
02/28/2025 Andrew Wong, MD Research Fellow, National Clinician Scholars Program; and Clinical Instructor, Department of Internal Medicine Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation and University of Michigan Health System Governance of Clinical Prediction Models in the Era of AI
03/14/2025 Dr. Monica Agrawal

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Division of Translational Biomedical Informatics, Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Duke University School of Medicine Responsible Natural Language Processing for Healthcare