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Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics

2020 Summer Internship

About the DBMI Summer Internship Program

Since 2011, we have organized an annual 8 - 10 week summer biomedical informatics internship program that has been funded by research grants or cooperative agreements. The summer internship program includes:

  • Structured orientation
  • Weekly scientific presentations by faculty
  • Organized social events
  • Internship symposium (webcast)

We have hosted over 100 trainees from over 40 institutions as part of our summer internship, including trainees for the NIH Short Term Training Positions (STTP) program. The program has generated more than 30 peer-reviewed articles and dozens of scientific posters.  

The internship uses a project-based curriculum where interns need to select a project and mentor during the application process. Trainees work on projects covering a wide range of topics relevant to biomedical informatics, including data integration, image processing, natural language processing (NLP) tools, data sharing and privacy technology, etc.

10th Annual UC San Diego Department of Biomedical Informatics Summer Internship Program Symposium Recap

Virtual Event held Wednesday, August 12, 2020 

Opening Presentation: 

Lucila Ohno-Machado, MD, PhD

Keynote Speaker: 


Valerie Florance, PhD, FACMI

Director of Extramural Programs Division and Associate Director of National Library of Medicine (NLM) 

Valerie Florance, PhD is an Associate Director of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), NIH, where she directs NLM’s Extramural grant programs. NLM’s grant programs focus on the development of novel informatics and data science methods and approaches to meet needs in biomedical and behavioral research relating to human health. She also serves as program director for NLM’s highly-regarded university-based pre-and post-doctoral training programs in biomedical informatics and data science. Before coming to NLM in February 2001, she spent 3 years leading a visioning project undertaken at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) to help the association’s members bring the power of computers and networks to bear on managing health information, and worked in library administration at 3 different universities before that. She has graduate training in medical anthropology and information sciences. 

Presentation Title: Careers in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science: Questions and Answers



Yash Gupta. Yash is a rising junior at Canyon Crest Academy who plans on becoming an entrepreneur in medical AI. Yash has worked in programming for most of his life with, for the past few years, a focus on machine learning generally and it’s applications to the medical field, working on several machine learning projects. Aside from programming, Yash enjoys doing speech and debate, where he competes on the national circuit and travels around the country to tournaments with his team, and being around his friends. 


Jason Chan. Hello my name is Jason Chan. I am from San Diego, CA and I am a rising junior at Poway High School.

Presentation Title: A Blockchain Application for Recording and Displaying COVID-19 Queries

Advisors: Tsung-Ting Kuo, Lucila Ohno-Machado


Sid Machiraju. Medical student at UC San Diego with interests in epidemiology, clinical informatics, and underserved healthcare.

Presentation Title: Minimizing the Digital Divide During COVID-19: Assessing Diversity and Inclusion in Population Health Research

Advisor: Amy Sitapati


Mhealyssah BustriaMhealyssah (Mhea) Bustria is Computer Science under-graduate at CSUSM. She is always happy to give back to her community, and one way she does so is through research. She is interested in advancing the fields of education and health.


Anjelina Velazquez. Currently a fourth year Computer Science student at CSUSM. First got interested in the biomedical field when asked by a Biology professor to help program a 3D Printer. Enjoys keeping busy by always learning and always encouraging others to do the same. 

Presentation Title: COVID-19 Data Science Analysis

Advisors: Niema MoshiraYouwen Ouyang


Megan Li. I'm currently a 4th year student at UCSD majoring in Biology: specializing in Bioinformatics and minoring in Cognitive Science. Learning about the applications of bioinformatics outside of a lab has been a newfound interest of mine, motivating this summer's project of blockchain technology in the healthcare industry. 

Presentation Title: Contract-based On-chain COVID-19 X-ray Image Logging

Advisor:  Tsung-Ting Kuo


Charlie Sutton. rising junior at Harvard interning in the lab of Dr. Jejo Koola. His work this summer has been focused on understanding how early warning scores and risk prediction models are being used in a hospital environment. Specifically, he worked to understand how healthcare professionals are interpreting these models and how it influences their decision-making and care. 

Presentation Title: Understanding how Healthcare Professionals use and Interpret the Epic Deterioration Index and Early Warning Scores

Advisor: Jejo Koola, MD, MS


McKenna Lewis. McKenna is a computer science major and student athlete from the Central Valley. She is on the NCAA cross country and track team at UCSD, and also tutors in the CSE department. She is interested in bioinformatics research, particularly pertaining to viruses. 


Sarah Meng. A rising sophomore at UCSD majoring in Computer Science and running for the UCSD Cross Country team. Currently, she is researching under Professor Niema Moshiri to evaluate the efficacy of novel molecular epidemiology tools. Her goal is to pursue a career involving artificial intelligence to advance environmental conservation or to assist those in need. 

Presentation Title: Phylogenetic workflows in SARS-CoV-2

Advisor: Niema Moshira


John (Conan) Minihan. Transferring to UC Berkeley from San Diego City College. Data Science major with an emphasis in Computational Biology. San Diego native, go Padres! I am a first generation college and re-entry student. Interested in using health data to build predictive models

Presentation Title: Health Insurance Claims on Blockchain for Efficiency, Security, and Privacy

Advisor:  Tsung-Ting Kuo

Closing Presentations:

Jejo Koola, MD, MS
Internship Director

Tsung-Ting Kuo, PhD
Internship Director