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Biomedical Informatics Biomedical Informatics

2018 Summer Internship

About the DBMI Summer Internship Program

Since 2011, we have organized an annual 8 - 10 week summer biomedical informatics internship program that has been funded by research grants or cooperative agreements. The summer internship program includes:

  • Structured orientation
  • Weekly scientific presentations by faculty
  • Organized social events
  • Internship symposium (webcast)

We have hosted over 100 trainees from over 40 institutions as part of our summer internship, including trainees for the NIH Short Term Training Positions (STTP) program. The program has generated more than 30 peer-reviewed articles and dozens of scientific posters.  

The internship uses a project-based curriculum where interns need to select a project and mentor during the application process. Trainees work on projects covering a wide range of topics relevant to biomedical informatics, including data integration, image processing, natural language processing (NLP) tools, data sharing and privacy technology, etc.

Where are our students from?

The origin of our summer interns (red icons) and applicants to our T15 program (purple icons). T15 applicants include non-matriculated trainees.

map of the world with red and purple pins dropped in student's countries of origin

8th Annual UC San Diego Department of Biomedical Informatics Summer Internship Program Symposium Recap

Event held Tuesday August 14, 2018. Watch the sympopsium on YouTube


Lucila Ohno-Machado, MD, PhD

Presentation (YouTube)

Keynote Speaker: 

Douglas Ziedonis

Dr. Douglas Ziedonis, MD, MPH

Former Associate Vice Chancellor Health Sciences
Executive Vice President for University of New Mexico (UNM) Health Sciences and Chief Executive Officer of the UNM Health System

Presentation (YouTube)


 Evan Camarillo

Evan Camarillo 


Emily Morgan

Presentation: A Scoping Review: Are Patients Willing to Share Their Data? (Part 1) 

Abstract (Word File)

Advisor: Lucila Ohno-Machado


Isaiah Taylor

Presentation Title: All of Us Research Program

Abstract (Word file)

Advisor: Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado


Lauren L'Heureux

Presentation Title: Assessing Cognitive Status of Patients with Advanced Liver Disease

Abstract (Word file)

Advisor: Dr. Jejo Koola


Mayara Costa Figueiredo 

Presentation Title: iCONCUR: Analyzing Patients' Reactions to Data Sharing Interfaces

Abstract (Word file)

Advisor: Dr. Jejo Koola & Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado


Zaid Yousif 

Presentation Title: Pharmacophenotyping: The Design and Implementation of a Generic Medications Filter for iCONCUR

Abstract (Word file)

Advisor: Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado


Haiyang Sun 

Presentation Title: The Development of Blockchain Based Cross-site Genomic Data Access Logs

Abstract (Word file)

Advisors: Dr. Tsung-Ting Kuo & Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado


Danyi Wu

Presentation Title: A Study of Adopting Ethereum Smart Contract for Biomedical Applications

Abstract (Word file)

Advisors: Dr. Tsung-Ting Kuo & Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado


Hongru Yu

Presentation Title: A Study of Adopting Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contract for Biomedical Applications

Abstract (Word file)

Advisors: Dr. Tsung-Ting Kuo & Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado


Mustafa Hussain

Presentation Title: The Informatics Consult Service: Report Design and Sociotechnical Considerations

Abstract (Word file)

Advisor: Dr. Jejo Koola


Yaritza Benitez

Presentation Title:Informatics Consult Report for Patients: Improving Shared Decision Making

Abstract (Word file)

Advisor: Dr. Jejo Koola